Virtual Meditation Retreats:
Virtual Meditation Retreats:
A Virtual Meditation Retreat is an online meditation retreat that offers the same benefits as traditional retreats. They offer the opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded people and receive personalized guidance from me, the conducting teacher.
These retreats are ideal for those who cannot commit to a traditional retreat, due to work/family obligations, travel restrictions or physical limitations, but still want to experience the benefits of a meditation retreat.
The format of a virtual meditation retreat will vary a bit, based on the availability of the students participating, but will generally take place over the course of a weekend. It will typically begin on a Friday evening and end on a Sunday morning. Please see the bottom of this page for a general idea of what the retreat schedule would be like.
Online meditation retreats can help you let go of your daily routines and help you reconnect with yourself, increase self-awareness, and deepen your meditation practice. However, it’s important to know that your efforts you’re making on retreat are taking you towards the real goal which is awakening. The world is filled with endless distractions and it’s incredibly rare for someone to have the free time for a retreat let alone even come in contact with this type of teaching in the first place, so please understand that the time you spend on retreat should always be taken seriously.